For the good, there is now less emphasis on your IP location, meaning, Craigslist is no longer geo-localizing IPs as much. You can now post nationwide off a good account and IP address.
Your account score will play the greatest role in whether your ads go live, or get flagged. Your ad content will still play a role, as will the section and category you are posting in, but gone are the days where ads are auto-filtered or ghosted based on the region you are posting in. Having said that, geo-filtering does still play a role in accounts that have any history of ads being flagged or a high rate of flagging compared to total views. To get a good account, post a lot of ads that people respond to, and which don't get flagged for at least three months. Create social media accounts that sync with it, don't clear your cookies, establish a decent web browsing history with that account, and respond to craigslist ad inquiries as politely as possible. You'll soon find everything posted from the account "sticks".
Now for the bad, Craigslist has introduced captchas, which has compromised most craigslist auto poster and craigslist automation software programs with the exception of the update to the Geil and Mehr Craigslist poster, which allows for captcha free posting. Captchas now occur whenever you frequently change IPs, clear cookies, meaning older programs such as CLAD GENIUS and AD MISSILE, no longer work.
Craigslist now also no longer works with proxies at all; expect to be hit with captchas, auto-flagging and phone verification when using proxies such as HMA, Proxify, VyperVPN and others. Your best bet now is to utilize a 3G or 4G mobile IP solution, however, the above drawbacks apply with captchas when changing your IP too frequently. Most people will be better off using a residential dynamic IP with a good account. Although it may still be possible to find a working proxy service, for the most part, if you find a proxy works, it will probably be due to your account score rather than the IP address (meaning, if you posted it off the local Starbucks wifi, you'd have the same results). However, use a bad proxy with the account or if some overseas spammer suddenly decides to use the same proxy to post a bunch of trash, and you'll find all of the hard work going into creating an established account on Craigslist is for nothing as the ads turn from all green to pink in a heartbeat. For that reason, avoid Craigslist proxies if you can and stick to real IPs. Those are the updates for 2017, if you're in the market for a craigslist posting service, feel free to contact us for help. Ad plans start from fifty cents per live ad.
Thanks to share this update here. It's great..
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