What are the best Craigslist Proxies and VPNs and where to find or buy them?
Proxies/VPNs when shared, should be seen like prostitutes, they get around and as a result, carry all kinds of stuff with them, stuff you might not want to be associated with and cause you to be "deleted" from your social circles and so on.

Most ads using proxy services or VPNs will be auto-flagged for that reason but some, some might stay live, but they will be few and far between and probably in the housing section where Craigslist allows posts to go live much more than other sections to avoid competition from the likes of Trulia and Zillow (so anything that helps them they make easy, anywhere else they hold a monopoly, they cause you to be like the guy below trying to understand why he can't post ads to get the business he needs to feed his kids). If you're a realtor, you're in luck, because that means you get to use VPNs to place your ads (just know your accounts won't be good for much else outside that).
However, for everyone else, avoid any proxy or VPN you have to buy or rent. They will only make things worse, and they will cause you to pull your hair out of your head, because you think you are doing everything by the book, but it's still not working.
Guess what? The reason why it's not working is because you used proxies or a VPN that has a history unto itself that screams SPAM and now your content carries the mark....FOR LIFE. You have to get new IPs, new accounts, and write all new ad content. You'll also need to change the way you post on accounts at first, and do a few other things which I'll go over at the end.
The typical list of VPN and proxy services for Craigslist include:
A google search will probably reveal about 10-20 more such as squid proxies, proxy key, instant proxy and others, all which carry a high rate of disease and infection.
Is there an alternative then to VPNs and proxy servers for Craigslist?
Yes, RDSL or remote DSL to a certain extent, just not shared RDSL services, only ones you set up and use yourself or have a third-party manage for you. This is a good thing because of the few RDSL services out there, like DSL ROOT, they simply don't work and are extremely overpriced given the fact they don't work (much like CLADG and the bastards that work there, which I'll go over in another post).RDSL services, or remote DSL, when shared, also carry the risks of STDs that can affect your accounts or content. If you use them, guess what, what you use on them will be infected, and spread over to anything else you use it on, such as your browser fingerprint (which CL uses in addition to advanced cookies to track you online).
The only solution we've seen so far that works that we've tried is the method Geil & Mehr uses with their Craigslist automatic posting software, they will fix your IP issues with their setup allowing you to have accounts full of green LIVE ads, but it does not involve proxies but involves setting up unique SOCKS5 connections using your cell phone but more on that with another post as that is technically not RDSL, a proxy or a VPN but rather leveraging your unrealized IP address assets to work in your favor and getting your PC to post for you (up to 100 ads a day!).
However, ever wonder how Craigslist deletes just about anything? It's because they store everything, and a fingerprint of your browser which is like an actual fingerprint they can ID you with, as well as certain content, images, IP ranges, and also accounts, all get blocked when you use something they don't like or associate with spam. There's no protection when it comes to catching Craigslist STDs so abstinence is the best prevention when it comes to shared RDSL or VPNs/Proxies.
More importantly, to add to your confusion, they probably won't delete your account anymore once they've detected something they don't like, they just let your ads get flagged after about 30-60 minutes before they even go live.
And all of this because your content, accounts, and even your PC has the internet version of a virus, a seemingly incurable virus, one that is based on data collected from your postings/accounts and used against you.
To recap, what type of data does Craigslist collect?
1) Your IP address, if you use an IP addresse associated with spam, your ads are already queued for auto-deletion, just try posting on every HMA server to see how this works.
2) Your phone number (and yes, purchasing phone numbers can cause your ads to get auto-deleted if they were previously used on an account associated with spam as they keep a record of all phone numbers used in the past). This is why it's best to use Google Voice for your account if you don't have your own cell phone number to use, as purchasing numbers can just cause you to have an account that has auto-deleted ads from the start, even if trying to sell Battlefront for Xbox One, you'll find even that ad doesn't go live! And there's nothing worse than seeing an account with all its ads deleted and being forced to play a bad Star Wars game!
3) Your browser fingerprint (which act as a super cookie), typically they track you by your browsers webGL or canvas ID, but they can even track you by the favorites/bookmarks you have on your browser as they can act as an identifier when coupled with your unique font set. Using an add-on like Random Agent Spoofer won't solve your problem, there, either, because they can detect Add-Ons, and Random Agent is one big giant red flag if there's ever been one. You might get live posts, but don't expect a perfect campaign of 96 live ads a day or one live ad every 15 minutes like you can with the unique cell IP method engineered by Geil & Mehr.
Then, they use a big mishmash of the above, including your account's posting history, to determine whether they trust your posting or not.
So, how to avoid becoming infected, or once infected, find the cure all to prevent Craigslist from serving an ass-whooping on you each time you post?
Good question, and the answer my friend, is that there are no good VPNs/Proxies or shared RDSL services anymore, not since 2014 anyway.

A few of the phone number sellers (out of New York or New Jersey) have been raving about Verizon IP mobile addresses as a panacea for nationwide postings. Do those work? They may work better than VPS servers and proxies, but they are not a cure all and they also carry a risk of infection. You have to use them locally as well, they can't really be used for nationwide posting as claimed except for maybe housing and a few other section/categories such as community. You might get lucky with certain Verizon IP addresses, but you might also catch the CL virus in the process.
There are only two solutions, the first is Geil & Mehr's method which you can find details on the following page, https://geilandmehr.com/product/automation-service-for-classifieds/, however, this method only works regionally, not nationwide. You could get it to work nationwide using their BETA program of ad shares.
One of the old automation software programs back in 2011 or so, AdZilla, had a nifty feature just like that allowed users to share IPs with one another, however, the downside to that, is it was from posters that probably already nuked their own IP ranges, and which would lead to your accounts getting infected today. We haven't tried it with Geil and Mehr so we don't know how their IP exchange program works, or if it works at all.
Another guy, that did the "not recommended" CLautorenew program, talks about using dishes to extend your wi-fi reception and grab free wi-fi signals in a city, however, you don't know if those public wifi spots will already have been abused in the past.
A company called Hot! Internet Agency, once had a program they called iPool, and they might still do. This program was where you donated a PC to their program and were allowed 3 posts per day for free on others PCs and they limited the number of posts per PC and the content allowed, however, they stopped taking applicants last time I checked. It did work because they never allowed spam, spam accounts or spammy content on their network though, only posts for legitimate services.
A combination of the above is the approach you yourself will need to take with your network setup.
Recruit out of work people in each city, check out Craigslist's resume section and call them directly, offer them a small fee to use their PC each day using a program like Logmein to have your ads placed, or just pay them to post your ads locally for $10 a week. It's not the most reliable approach (as out of work people will ditch you once they find work) but it's better than having no ads. There's other approaches, and email and ask us if you need some shared wisdom from having dug ourselves out of Craigslist holes multiple times in the past. There are as many ways to build up posting servers/PCs as there are clouds in the sky.
Once you've recruited your team. Here's what you need to avoid the Craigslist Bear.
Use 1 accounts per computer, yes, one account!
3 posts per day per account per section/category, and no more than 10 posts total per day per PC and make sure they are spread out time wise (between 6 am and midnight), don't re-use any content you've used before, write all new headlines and ad bodies, use new phone numbers from callfire, clear your metadata on your images (using batch purifier) and preferably, design all new images, don't put writing on your photos if you can avoid it, and forget the old wisdom about clearing cookies.
Keep your cookies.
Unless you are breaking the rules, clearing cookies or changing IPs will tell Craigslist you're not a big family that is posting/renewing a lot of ads each day, but is rather someone trying to game their system.
Plus, those cookies might come in handy to feed the Craigslist Bear.
Trust me when I say this, constantly clearing cookies is a myth.
A lot of the information out there on how to post on Craigslist is misinformation, it's either put there by people that don't want competition posting their own ads, don't want what they use to stop working from overuse, or that don't know what the hell they are doing and have zero skills when it comes to the analytical sciences.
As with any marketing, always make data-driven decisions, if you're clearing your cookies or using cookie profiles and ads are still getting deleted, guess what, that probably means clearing cookies or using profiles does not help generate live ads. You have to start fresh, like an Irish immigrant on the shores of New York ready to box his way forward to a life of success.
Also, before you create a new CL account, sync up your active accounts with social media networks, make sure that email has a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account. Many of the classified sites and services are using bots or third-party vendors to check these things to rate your account and other companies share with them information to prevent spam. Guess what? If you don't have a lot of friends online, you're pretty much fucked. That doesn't mean you can't go out with a fight though, no?
Finally, for your first 50 to 100 random ad posts (yes, that many), mature the account by posting random ads, like that horrible Batman game you bought for the kids, sell it, and use real numbers you set up, preferably the same number in the ad you use to phone verify the account with.....get responses from the ads, respond back, make Craigslist come to love you, and trust you, so they never think about making you carry their STD. We believe their algorithm works based on a live/flagged ratio of the account, if you have an account they trust though, they allow you to get away with a lot more, and auto-flagging almost never occurs.
Don't ever use the phone number you used to verify one account with another, too, even though it might be tempting to re-use cell phone numbers for multiple accounts.
Why? Because your original account that you spent all that time making into a good, non-flagging account, will then prompt for phone verification, forcing you to buy a phone number, and potentially causing auto-flagging to commence.
Craigslist keeps a record of phone numbers, and if you use one number from one account to another, the account history on the original gets auto-transferred to the new one, and the original one starts fresh and will be unusable until reverified with a brand new phone number.
Want to learn more? Such as how to phone verify accounts for free?
Email us at robinhoodadpostingservices@gmail.com and let us know the problem you're having, and if you ask nicely, and become our friend on Facebook or somewhere, we might let you know how to fix it.
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