What gives?
Craigslist, since 2015 and still today in 2019, uses browser detection tools so even if you change your IP, they still know it's you, because of the unique browser fingerprint you have. There are no good Craigslist IP services because simply having a good IP isn't enough if you have a blacklisted browser fingerprint.
Is there a way around browser fingerprints on Craigslist?
Sadly, according to most experts, not really, even when you use add-ons to hide your fingerprint, sites like Craigslist, OfferUp, LetGo, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace and others can still see the add-ons you are using and penalize you for them if they see you're using an add-on that changes or hides your canvas ID or web GL fingerprint, but the good news is most sites don't penalize you for privacy concerns (at least yet) and there are some tools and add-ons that can help hide your fingerprint and ensure your privacy on the web from those pesky sites that want to track you 24/7.
How to hide your fingerprint and get live ads on Craigslist.
Option 1: Use a mobile browser when posting to CL. These have the least IDENTIFIABLE fingerprint according to panoptclick.
Option 2: Use firefox plus firefox add-ons such as Chameleon:
Make sure to disable canvas support and hide your WEB GL, disable fonts too, under the settings. This is the same technology a craigslist posting service such as Hot Ad Poster, and the dark web services, AAA Auto Dealer Postlets and Neo-Gen Realtor Ads, use in order to generate live ads and not have their ads blocked in cars and trucks by owner and housing by owner in NYC.
Also, look into canvas blocker:

That's all for today, folks!